Google Login #
If you want to enable your Google login then go to and find your project that you have already created for push notification setup then open your Project->Authentication->Sign-in method-> Add new Provider->Additional providers then select Google and enable finlay Save.
Android Setup : #
- You need to set a fingerprint in firebase, go to Project >Project settings > Android apps then select your user app at the bottom you will find add fingerprint then enter your SHA1 and SHA256 and Save. Visit this site here you will get the instruction how you will get SHA1 and SHA256 Link
- After publishing on the play store you need to add your SHA1 and SHA256 form App integrity. To found App integrity App signing, go to google play console Project-> Release > Setup > App integrity > App signing
- Download your google-service.json file and Copy that file and paste it under <project>/android/app/ folder.
iOS Setup : #
- Go to and select your firebase project, you can find your Client id in, APIs & Services-> Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs then select Web Client and finally copy the Client ID.
- Go to <project>/ios/Runner/Info.plist and add your Client ID
Facebook Login #
- If you want to configure facebook login in your project then create your own app form
- Configure your app settings from App Settings->Basic with your own Display name, Contact email , Privacy Policy URL, Terms of Service URL, App icon, web app domain
- Add Facebook Login form products section .
- Add your platform (web/android/ios) with click Add platform and configure your app.
- To Configuration setting in App Facebook Login->Settings->Client OAuth settings enable Client OAuth login, Web OAuth login, Enforce HTTPS, Use Strict Mode for redirect URIs, Login with the JavaScript SDK.
- Also, you need to add your Allowed Domains for the JavaScript SDK (ex-
- To get profile information you need to request access in App Review->Permissions and features get access for public_profile
- Now open your flutter project go to <project>/lib/main.dart and replace with your facebook appID
- For android go to <project>/android/app/src/main/res/values/string.xml and set value.
<string name="app_name">6valley</string>
<string name="facebook_app_id">YOUR_APP_ID</string>
<string name="fb_login_protocol_scheme">fb_YOUR_APP_ID</string>
<string name="facebook_client_token">Go_to_your_fb_app->Settings->Advance->Security->Client token</string>
- For ios go to ios/Runner/Info.plist and set value
Go_to_your_fb_app->Settings->Advance->Security->Client token
Apple Login #
To configure Apple Login follow the steps mentioned below –
Step 1: Find out Team ID
- Visit the Apple Developer page.
- Go to Account and find the Membership details section. There you will find TeamID.
Step 2: Create or Use App ID
If you already have an App ID that you want to use for Apple Sign-In, you can skip creating a new one and proceed to the next step.
- Go to the Identifiers list.
- Click the Plus icon besides Identifiers, and then select App IDs and continue
- Select type App and continue.
- Provide a brief description and a Bundle ID (the same one used for your app). This identifier will serve as the Client ID for Apple Sign-In.
- In Capabilities, select the required options like Push Notifications, Sign In with Apple, and Associated Domains.
- Click Continue and proceed.
Step 3: Create Service ID
- Go again to the Identifiers list.
- Click the Plus icon besides Identifiers, and then select Service IDs and continue
- Add a description and an identifier for your service, then click Continue
- Download the file labelled as AuthKey_example.p8. This is the Service File, and the segment “example” within the file name is indicative of the KeyID. To illustrate, if your file is titled AuthKey_XXXXXXXXXX.p8, then XXXXXXXXXX signifies the KeyID.
Step 4: Submit Data in Admin Panel
- Go to the Admin panel.
- Navigate to Configurations > 3rd Party > Apple Login setup your data.
- Use the following information:
- Client ID: The Bundle ID you previously specified.
- Team ID: Obtained from the Apple Developer page.
- Key ID: KeyID from the AuthKey_example.p8 file name.
- Service File: Downloaded AuthKey_example.p8 file.
- Save and enable Apple Login status.
By following these steps, you can successfully set up and implement Apple Sign-In in your Project.
Firebase OTP Configuration #
For configuring OTP in the Firebase, you must create a Firebase project first. If you haven’t created any project for your application yet, please follow the instructions given here.
Now go to the Firebase console and follow the instructions below-
Adding sign-in method #
- Go to your Firebase project.
- Navigate to the Build menu from the left sidebar and select Authentication.
- Get started on the project and go to the Sign-in method tab.
- From the Sign-in Providers section, select the Phone option.
- Ensure to enable the method Phone and press save
Admin Panel Configuration #
To configure the Admin panel for Firebase OTP verification, follow these steps:
- Go to your Firebase project.
- In the Project settings, locate your Web API Key and make a copy of it.
- Go to the Admin panel.
- Navigate to the 3rd Party section.
- Select 3rd Party Configuration.
- Choose Firebase OTP Verification.
- Paste the Web API Key copied from your Firebase project.
- Turn on the Firebase OTP Verification Status.
- Turn on the Phone Verification option under Business Setup.
Web Configuration #
To configure your web domain for Firebase OTP verification:
- Go to your Firebase project.
- Navigate to the Build menu from the left sidebar and select Authentication.
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Under the Authorized Domains section, add your web domain without specifying “http” or “https.” (for example:
- To initialize Firebase in your web application, please ensure your Firebase configuration includes the following: service account details, API keys, auth domain, project ID, storage bucket, messaging sender ID, and app ID. Confirm that each of these is correctly configured in the Firebase admin panel.
App Configuration #
To configure the app, follow the steps below-
- Go to the Project settings > General > Your apps.
- Download google-services.json file for android and GoogleService-Info.plist for IOS app.
- Copy that file and paste it under <project>/android/app/ folder for android and under <project>/iOS/ for IOS.