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Upload Theme

Upload From Admin Panel #

  1. Sign in to the admin panel.
  2. Scroll down the left menu bar and click on System Setup from the System Settings section.
  3. Go to the Theme Setup tab, where you’ll upload the new Theme.
Theme Addon Setup

4. Drag & drop or browse the Theme “.zip” file.

Theme Addon File Upload

5. Click on the Upload button to start uploading.

Theme Addon Setup File Upload

Manually Upload #

  1. Go to your project folder.
  2. Navigate to resources/themes folder & put the .zip file in the folder.

3. Extract the .zip file.

Theme Addon Zip Extraction

4. Remove the .zip file.

Theme Addon Remove Zip

5. You should have the theme folder like the image below (theme_fashion folder for this case).

Theme Addon Fashion File

Congratulations! You have now added the theme in your system.